Church and Sacraments

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Most of these titles can be obtained from Gracewing publishers:
  • Mystery of the Church

    Presents a global picture of the main themes of current ecclesiology, pictured as leading to the Kingdom of God.

  • Early Christianity: Theology shaped by Saints

    The impact on early Christianity of its leading figures, who exercised the major influence then and are still most important in the Church today.

  • L’ecumenismo oggi

    Dalla reciproca comprensione si giunge al movimento ecumenico, per ricomporre l’unità della Chiesa; tale unità si deve realizzare nel contesto di una ricca diversità. 

  • The Sacramental Mystery

    Outlines how the sacraments are the chief means in the Church through which God's people are reconciled to the Father, through his Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • El misterio sacramental

    Los siete sacramentos están en el centro de la vida y de la experiencia cristiana, porque por medio de ellos la Santísima Trinidad alcanza la vida y el corazón de las personas.

  • Il mistero sacramentale

    I sette sacramenti sono al centro della vita e dell'esperienza cristiana, perché per mezzo di essi Dio, la SS. Trinità, tocca la vita ed il cuore dell’uomo.

  • Tayna tainstv

    B книге исследуется историческое развитие учения о яствах церкви: библейские основания, осмысление таинств святоотсческую эпоху и в современном богословии, бениосги совершения в различных конфесснях, огматическсе значение.

  • New Testament Theology

    Furnishes a few key signposts in terms of the basic ideas of how the biblical text came about, its objective value and special character and inspiration, the Synoptic Problem and the Canon of the New Testament.